Why not horns?

I've owned a lot of speakers over the years but I have never experienced anything like the midrange reproduction from my horns. With a frequency response of 300 Hz. up to 14 Khz. from a single distortionless driver, it seems like a no-brainer that everyone would want this performance. Why don't you use horns?
Mapman - Does your wife need you to approve her hairstyle and attire before she can step out of the front door? Does she have to consider HAF when discussing decorating or gardening choices with her friends?

Just buy the damn horns and get it over with. And give it a fair shot. You are very knowledgeable vis a vis hi fi. Try something real like Oris, AH!, Edgar, etc. Klipsch Forte, while good for what it is, doesn't have the pizazz to get you past your Walsh infatuation.
Thanks MJ, I will consider that advice.

Unfortunately for horns, I am drowning in good sound everywhere at the moment already and not enough time to listen to what I already have, so I am not feeling the need to make another major investment quite yet.

I also have two kids still to send to college.

Someday when the urge reaches critical mass in relation to the big picture, I may take the plunge in that I suspect it is true that very good horns may be one of the only designs that might substitute for what I have, hence the interest. But only if I am able to do it right and in harmony with the rest of my life.
I hear you, Mapman. I'm feeling the same way now with similar circumstances.
I have one son in college and one who just decided it's not for him.

Participation on both of the audio forums I visit is down and the topics are mostly boring and rehashed rote. Hi end audio is withering on the vine. I have things to sell and can't seem to be bothered doing it. Any moves I can afford to make at this point in my life in regard to audio would be more lateral than vertical. The price of the dream equipment has moved beyond my wildest dreams. The carrot is out of reach and my interest has flagged because of apparent futility.

For a time, a bit of bargain hunting, downsizing and DIY kept my interest but now even those diversions have no effect.

I think I'm just going to like what I have. Multi-channel sound and special effects video have left me longing for simpler times. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like I'm going to be young again.
Meanwhile, I hope to attend Capital Audiofest again this year in suburban DC. Horn speaker systems had a more than healthy presence there last year and delivered some of the best sound in show. Maybe I'll hear something that will up the ante like the custom GOTO horns did last year, but I suspect if I do that the cost (not to mention size) will be astronomical as well in conjunction and the benefits over what I already have marginal at best as well. We'll see....
I have a neophyte question. (I admit I have not read every
response in this thread, maybe it's been touched upon .)

For a smallish mid- or tweeter horn, mid in particular,
would it be desirable to coat the metal casting with
some kind of goopy damping/deadening material ?

I have some horn mids I bought long ago to experiment with.

Thanks !