Recapping Krell KSA 250

I have received a quote of $1500 for recapping. The amps have been in storage for 10 years and were bought new by me in 1992. I talked to an EE who said that was a bit excessive for replacing capacitors. I know the standard answer is that it's a Krell amp and needs special attention. I would like to sell these amps but there are some financial constraints.If I turned on these amps to see if they still work without having a recap, what is the risk to the amp.  As the  amps are heavy and expensive to ship, I am wondering if there is anyone in the southeast near Alabama who might be able to do the work?
Thanks for the advice. I have set up an appointment with a reputable technician in Atlanta. If they work and he doesn't find anything wrong what can I ask per amp? I have been offered $1200/amp if they work and $1000/amp if they don't. Gentleman resells amps to private parties. I have been told this is too low. Audiogon bluebook seems a bit outdated.
I afree, that seems low; but if you need to sell them rather quickly, it might be a deal to consider.
It would be nice if you could hang on to them; they're excellent!
Look at HiFiShark. Click on the sold tab to get an idea of what they have been going for. There is also a little tab to click to get options, such as listing area-North America.
Just to say, If it has not been powered up for ten years? Bring it up initially, very "Slowly" with a "variac". This could save you both money AND heartache! If you are taking them somewhere to be serviced? Tell them to do this as well.... Some are just too impatient!
Strongly second jollygreen's advice above. Simple to do and worth it -- better safe than sorry!