Amp - preamp or integrated

This topic has appeared in the past but I like to hear audiophile suggestions specially if they honest. I currently have the Rogue Chronus Magnum II. With Vandersteen 2 sig. Soon I will sell the house and will have some extra $ for upgrades. I have 4 questions:

Is the amp/ pre amp a better way to go than integrated? Two choices Rogue and Parasound.
Is the mono blocks / preamp an even better way to go?
If I decide to go with mono blocks, due budget considerations , I will be looking at used or an small company/audio engineer where I can keep the cost under 3000. If I go with a small company product, how do I know it is a good quality prod. Vs big companies like Rogue etc?

All your comments to all or any of my questions is highly appreciated. Thanks
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Monobloocks are fine, but can be more expensive and you need sufficient room for them. You may want to consider a dual mono amp instead ... essentially, it's two monoblocks in one chassis.
Some good advice from Jack. And it’s always best to go line level for your subs so you wouldn’t need a sub out. 
If one wants to simplify their system then go with an integrated, there are many available that sound very good.
Otherwise separates would be the way to go.
Technictly speaking good monoblocks should sound better however I have not been able to detect a difference in the sound of music using monoblocks vs a two chanal amp.
One more thought to add, I know many audiophiles (myself included) that have gone the entire gamut of what you have asked and have made changes in their systems simply to try something different, the need to experiment or perhaps boredom.