Who are some of elite sub woofers?

Looking to replace Klipsch 12d

So many choices.
Ag insider logo xs@2xawooof
Another vote for the Vandersteen sub 3. With eleven bands of EQ, you can conquer just about ANY room problem. Use 2 sub3's with EQ, and problem solved!
Gonna say REL here. It was a huge step up from the Hsu Research sub that I had (and that one was already pretty nice to me at the time). 
REL for audio. JL is better for home theatre. SVS is not "elite" (the OP's words), it's for the masses. 
Sure, JL is elite if you consider charging your customers $300 to repair virtually new subs with known quality problems the price of "elitism". The v2 fixed the problems, time will tell.

SVS has excellent cutomer service and