Anyone here tweak any Legacy Focus speakers?

I have a pair of the 1999 Legacy focus speakers with the older midranges and the 3-12" drivers per cabinet. The new speakers (so I am told) have a new crossover and new mids and of course 2-12" woofers per cabinet.
During my listening I am happy with the level of bass but not the bottom extension. When I play CD tracks I am only getting good output down to 30hz. I would like to change out the woofers for something that would drop in but perhaps offer lower bass output say 25hz or less. With the large cabinets 55" tall I would think they are big enough to house most any woofers.

Have any of you changed out woofers or mid range drivers to get better sound out of the Original Focus to get them up to par with the newer 20-20 or HD models?
That will require a complete crossover redesign.... not to mention finding drivers that are exactly the same size as what Legacy used unless you also want to modify the cabinet. Perhaps you would be better off letting the Legacy's go and finding something that might better work for you? (Legacy or otherwise...)
Why not just add a nice Rel Sub...I added two to my Dynaudio's for that extra lower bass extension with great results.Much easier than swapping out drivers.
I join others in strongly advising you to forget modding those spkrs. Too complex. Either add a sub & cut off yr Legacies around 50-70 Hz, or get different spkrs.