Esoteric S-03

Does anyone have any experience with this amplifier or the S-02? I like Esoteric equipment and think this could be an excellent match to my TAD speakers.  I do not need big power given my listening tendencies; my other option might be Pass 100.8's but I would prefer a single amp due to space constraints and WAF. 
GregM-- did you compare the s-03 to other amps with your speakers? You do not sound particularly enthusiastic... so I am wondering if you went another direction.  Also, where did you audition the S-03 or from what dealer?  Thanks  scott
did you compare the s-03 to other amps with your speakers?
Yes I did—my own, a Symphonic Line Kraft 250 class A. Don't get me wrong, the sound was excellent, it's just that my own amp happened to sound even better (albeit at a much higher cost!).The 03 was very crispy sounding and unusually extended especially in the low end; it should sound good with your Ev-1, perhaps with a slightly hot top end, but overall I expect it to energise those speakers superbly. Compared to a big Krell (don't know which one U use) the 03 will probably sound slightly crisper, with a more defined bottom end and with less low-mid bloom.

I recently picked up an S03 and c03xs and I think they sound extremely clean and look amazing. You can find good deals on esoteric right now too. I just ordered an SRA platform for the s03 and I don’t know if it will improve sound but at least I’ll get to look at it front and center.