Do you listen to equipment or music.

This Blog got me to thinking about the subject:;postID=191909277...
In the past I have spent hours listening to the same part of the same song just to fine tune various components of the of the audio system. I even move speakers and listen - move them again and listen more. Sometimes I wonder what I am doing. Whatever it is, when I get into this mode, I am not listening to the music.  It would be nice how the community feels about listening to music or equipment.
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Right On! I received my Jazz lump 15 years ago. That was a sweet day fast forward (ed) to present date. I never looked in my rear view mirror.

I still enjoy Pop and Rock (Classic/Hard/Metal) in smaller doses.

Happy Listening!

I've been in high end since 1963. All audiophiles listen to equipment then if there is any time left--music.

Back then what were the battles?
Mono vs. Stereo
Consoles Vs Separates