The Absolute Sound - ELAC Navis Review


Does anyone have a copy of the current issue of TAS and willing to post the review of the ELAC Navis tower speaker?  I understand there is a review in the current issue, but I'm having no luck finding a copy of the mag in all of NYC.  Thanks!
It will of course be a glowing review because they want to stay friends with Andrew Jones.   Who cafes about a magazine review anyway.  Shouldn’t you be more interested in hearing them?

Find a local dealer or order them from an online source that lets you return if you don’t like them. ELAC is not shy about selling online, so it shouldn’t be much trouble.
Who cafes about a magazine review anyway.
It looks like The Absolute Sound has a paid annual circulation of about 27,000, so it’s probably safe to assume that those readers care.
That’s actually hilariously low, and that doesn’t have anything to do with what I said.

A magazine that is $14.95 a YEAR having 27k subscribers is not anything worth mentioning.  It’s a book full of advertisements and halfway trustable reviews.  Don’t be ignorant.  :)