The Absolute Sound - ELAC Navis Review


Does anyone have a copy of the current issue of TAS and willing to post the review of the ELAC Navis tower speaker?  I understand there is a review in the current issue, but I'm having no luck finding a copy of the mag in all of NYC.  Thanks!
Who cafes about a magazine review anyway.
It looks like The Absolute Sound has a paid annual circulation of about 27,000, so it’s probably safe to assume that those readers care.
That’s actually hilariously low, and that doesn’t have anything to do with what I said.

A magazine that is $14.95 a YEAR having 27k subscribers is not anything worth mentioning.  It’s a book full of advertisements and halfway trustable reviews.  Don’t be ignorant.  :)
1/2 ways trustable is a stretch...

I look at the pictures and read the measurements... wait they don’t do measurements. I guess I look at the pictures. 
So many people bash the two most popular Stereo magazines.  I subscribe to both and find them to be the least expensive way to continue to enjoy this hobby/lifestyle/obsession.  And yes they have guided several of my equipment purchases with no remorse.