Warm Sounding Surround Receiver

Seasons greetings fellow A'goners.Years ago I had a Harman Kardon surround receiver that had the most wonderful,warm sound,especially the midrange.Anyone today making surround receivers that have that glorious,warm sound or have they all gone the nuetral/sterile path?Thanks for your help
I wouldn't say warm,but I've heard some Onkyo's that are musical(for a A/V receiver)instead of sterile.
I have owned several HK receivers and love the 125,325,525,either 7000 or 7200 I forget and the 8000,these are all from the same lineup during that particular year, these all are warm sounding,in fact I use B&W cdm 1nt and find these receivers to sound better then some "higher end" components I have used at least at low/moderate level,good synergy, the 7300 and other newer receivers dont sound at all similar , at least to me,very thin sounding.The biggest problem is obviously you have to purchase used and I have had several end up on my doorstep destroyed during shipping.
I have had many ht recievers including the HKs which are great bang for buck, but the arcam recievers are special.
I have the HK 7200-strongly agree with the above remarks-
excellent-powerful-warm sound.I have friends with much more expensive-high end equipment-that are annoyed with how good the HK sounds.