Ridge Street Audio Sason Owners

I'm waiting for my Sasons. Just wondering how many Sason owners are out there. Are you still enjoying them? Have any of you moved on to other speakers? If so, why?
I'm interested in hearing what room treatments you're using with your sason's

The speakers don't need much treatment based on my experimenting in my own room
Hi Musicfile, I built a dedicated music room 15.5 x 22 x 10 feet. It has double sheet rock walls and two dedicated circuits for audio. Unfortunately, I had to tame some nasty room modes and slap echo. All my acoustic treatments are from GIK Acoustics. I have two corner traps stacked on top of each other (8 feet tall when stacked, 8 total) for each corner of the room. The 1st and 2nd reflection points are treated with 244 bass traps (total 4). The middle of front wall behind the speakers is a Monster bass trap. Right behind the listening chair are a Monster bass trap and Soffit trap which are placed on their sides. This really tamed a bad room mode at the listening position. Ind addition, I have 4 Grid diffusers high up on the back wall and 2 Grid diffusers on each side of the side wall high up near the back to tame bad slap echo at the listening position (i plan on adding one more on each side). Furthermore, on the front wall I have a matrix of 2 x 3 Grid diffusers (total 12) flanking the 244 bass traps. I did this because I'm planning on getting a pair of dipole electrostats.

I know this sounds pretty overboard, but you don't know what you are missing in music until your room is treated properly. The distortion caused by the room itself is so much greater than your speakers or electronics, taming room acoustics, I think, is the most important for your system.
Wow i'm suprised the Sasons need that much treatment

I'm a big proponent of room treatments however in my room less is more
Take a look at my system pics here on Audiogon i've used mostly absorption GIK as well

Still playing around with placement