Ayre cx 8 cd player

Any news on the new ayre cx 8.. 
Did anyone read the Stereophile review?
Do you mean the EX-8 review? I couldn't understand why Atkinson compared it to separates retailing for almost $40K. I mean, who is deciding between such extreme choices? There is close to zero reason for such a comparison. I thought the twitteringmachines review did a much better job of comparing it to similar price point all-in-one machines albeit the Ayre was the most expensive among them, in that case.

what is the contact number that you dialed in to Ayre?
Contact person that assisted with your query?

Happy Listening!
Hello j -

I called the phone number on their new website. 303.442.7300 ext 233
As always, they were very enthusiastic to speak with their customers.





It appears that this New player is finally being released. Always good to see an updated spinner from the guys at AYRE.


Happy Listening!