Mini Home Theater Speakers ?

I´m looking for a 5.1 speakers for my small room 19x13 feet.
I´d like to get neutral and accurate sound with clear low end.
I´ll use them for music and movies. And I prefer lifestyle monitors or mini cabinets.

What´s your recomendation?

Here some models in mind:

Focal dome
Gallo Diva Ti
B&W MT-30
budget 2 or 2,5

From Gallo I heard good things for music and movies. Any experience ?
i actually chanced to hear the mirage omnisats auditioned against the gallos this weekend and the omnisats were, to my ears, far superior--much less boxy and directional; ergo i'd second theo's rec. you might also consider the definitive mythos series.
I have the Gallo Ti's and they are great. Orb Audio (similar design) is another option...