Ridge Street Audio Sason Owners

I'm waiting for my Sasons. Just wondering how many Sason owners are out there. Are you still enjoying them? Have any of you moved on to other speakers? If so, why?
Hi Pat, finally dialed them in...about 12 feet 3 inches into the room, about 40 inches from side wall to tweeter, and 2.5 inches toe in. I use a laser distance measuring device. I'm sitting about 2 feet from the back wall in my 22 feet long room. I have enough acoustic treatment along the back wall, with both diffusors and absorbers, to tame the annoying directly reflected sound from the back wall and tame the bass boom inevitable near the back wall. It's the best sound I've gotten in my two years of experimenting. It's amazing the kind of soundstaging/imaging and clean/extended bass you can get from these speakers. Having them 7 to 9 feet into the room just didn't take full advantage of what these speakers can do.

I have carpeted suspended wood floor on 2nd story of my home. It is impractical to use the supplied spikes, because I need to move the speakers once in awhile to have access to the attic. I am using Herbie Audio Labs Giant gliders (4 per speaker). As you know, each speaker weighs over 220 lbs with the stands, and even with the gliders I have trouble moving them around...the gliders tend to slip off the base. It takes awhile for the speakers to physically "settle" into the carpeted floor every time they're moved into new position.

I'm trying to achieve not just excellent sound but also an aesthetically pleasing listening room with the room treatments and components.
Wow you have to provide pictures some day !
Or I definitely have to come by for a listen

Yes I'm planning on posting pics of my system. I'm waiting for a pair of restored Quad 57. Once I get that dialed in, hopefully won't take more than a week, I'll have time take pics.

Pat, where do you live?
I reside in Toronto Canada
If you're ever in this neck of the woods give me a shout

I will look out for your pictures
It's unfortunate you're so far away. I'm in Texas. Doe you have the Dueland VSF or CAST caps in your crossover? I kinda went overboard with the CAST caps and Dueland CAST resistors. The crossover per speaker weighs around 35 lbs I think.