Maybe what I should do is measure a bunch of cables with brand new metrics and charge cable makers not to publish my reviews. Isn't that how things work in the US??
How I would measure cables
prof cleeds is as usual trying to shift the burden of proof.That’s silly. This is a hobbyist’s group. Users here are free to post their observations and no "burden of proof" exists at all. Those who desire such "proof," or who seek scientific tests, are free to conduct their own research. I’ve been part of such testing more than once - and the results have not always been predictable. So while I encourage the testing, and enjoy reading about valid scientific listening tests, I’d never demand that others conduct such tests, especially in a group such as this. |
erik_squires Maybe what I should do is measure a bunch of cables with brand new metrics ...Yessss! Please do! Please share with us how you measured the cables and what the results were. |
cleeds, I have never made such a demand. And in his OP, neither did Erik, so that's a strawman. In his OP Erik simply gave the reasons for his own skepticism about some claims made for high end cables, and he encouraged THOSE WHO MAKE CABLES CLAIMING THEY DO SOMETHING (cool) to engage in the type of research that yields results that others can test.(Clearly...he's talking technical evidence, not just subjective vetting). This is an entirely sensible suggestion (and not a "demand"). His suggestion for skepticism and common sense critical thinking in the face of cable claims is also entirely sensible and not some "demand." |
I have never made such a demand. And in his OP, neither did Erik, so that's a strawman.When ou cite a "burden of proof," you essentially make a demand, just as Erik does here: erik_squires If you make claims about speaker cables, prove it. |