Am I deaf?

Hello all,
Just got a Chord Qutest to use as an outboard dac with my Oppo BD 105. Connected the Chord to the Oppo coax out with an Audioquest Carbon coax cable. $2100 for the Qutest including the cable! I'm not hearing it. I think the Oppo dac may sound a bit better than the Chord. Tried all the filters. Am I nuts?
Well it must be me. Maybe my ears haven't been trained properly. I had a recording studio years ago and I think you listen for different things. I can hear fast, warm, bright, etc. Pace and rythem and some other terms reviewers use not so much. 
I tried again last night but the Oppo still had an inner warmth I like. 
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You’re not going deaf.  I got the Qutest to replace my Schiit Gumby Multibit because it had more features.
Boy was I disappointed!  
No contest. Like going from stereo to mono.
Can’t imagine what the reviewers were hearing.

 Returned it post haste.
Computers are noisy and are not ideal for streaming music. If you are comparing CD to computer then the difference in SQ may be down to this.