Any Blu Ray players made in the USA?

Or maybe the UK? Preferably in the kilobuck range?

It takes a long time to find pics of the players backsides, zoom in, and all that. Arcam's isn't out yet, Marantz and Oppo come from China. Who else could I check on?

I thought the Lexicon is based on the Oppo player itself--which comes from China also.

Vsfang, it's not a bad for American's to want to buy products made in the United States. Purchasing American products helps to employ Americans. I'm sure people in your country prefer to do the same, but we don't refer to them as "Big Chineseism".
One thing for sure,Americans have some of the best engineers,talent,and products when they want to.Otherwise our products wouldn't be copied,reverse engineered,and counterfeited so much.I think Americans welcome something new from another country fairly well also.