Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Hi folks,
im looking to go from 5.1 to 7.1
currently my hone theater has 3.7 fronts, scs3 center and 2.7 surrounds.

Im looking for a cheap but decent rears but have no idea what would match well. Hate to say I do want to keep it cheap. I considered used scs2 for about $500 but looking for other thoughts.


ps.  Looking for bookshelf’s 
Ekohn - They're not bookshelf, but you might consider PowerPoint1.2s. They are wall or ceiling mount, so they take no floor-space. Same driver as the SCS4 in an aluminum wall-mount cabinet. Their configuration minimizes boundary effects for extreme transparency.
hi Tom,  i wanted to let you know i had a nice little correspondence with Dana Cunningham and mentioned that you had recommended her music.  She thinks the world of you.  Kent
Hi Kent - Dana's music comes from that place we all want to go . . . it goes by names such as life and love, and sweet inspiration.

Her inaugural album "Dancing at the Gate" is in many ways my favorite. One small piano in one small room with one pair of mics recorded to DAT and mastered to CD with no compression, equalization or effects - with the greatest of care. Close your eyes.

Thank you.
   From Tom Thiel:  "The odd jujitsu is that the human auditory brain is so good at assembling-synthesizing known tonal sounds from the transient impulse data stream . . . that in an intellectual way, we enjoy the decoding process which we call hearing.
For myself, and the small minority of those who 'get it', there is a direct path to the core being when that sonic analysis-reassembly is not necessary, when the unadulterated musical signal arrives as natural sound. As Andy says, and as the physics supports, and psychoacoustics agrees, there is only one way to accomplish that direct stream in a multiple driver system: first order crossover slopes."
I wonder (just a guess)  if this is in some ways similar to  jitter with regard to  digital.  Digital was fatiguing for so long and now there is a lot of thinking that jitter was the problem and companies like PS and others have addressed that issue and thus digital is less fatiguing.  Perhaps Thiel with their first order crossovers make our brains work less hard at assembling what we hear?