New Member And few questions on First Tube Amp.

Little about me.I am 67 and more into cars /cycles but enjoy music during winter months.
I have Tinnitus very bad and so I can not play music much over 70 db with high pitch horns ect.
But I have Marantz SR 8002 and had until last week Mirage M-5's. 28 yrs and did not realize how deteriorated
they become until someone sold a pair of Definitive Techogoly BP 8080ST and I could not beleive what I was missing
on sound.. All along thought it was my hearing..So now that I can hear music separation along with my ringing 
it is a joy to hear more than I thought I would ever hear again.
So with that I want to just see if a tube amp will allow me to hear music flow from the speakers as others describe.

So not knowing anything I have a dealer not to far selling Prima Luna tubes and my question is I see tube amp and pre tube amp.. To try a tube amp can you run from just one of these components ??
Does Prima Luna have a all in one unit if I need a amp and pre amp ???

I do not mind spending few thousand, but not sure how long my hearing will last  and so just want to 
purchase low end just to see if I can hear a difference of tube vs solid state...thank you Joe

The Blackhawk is on its way .. I will sample it with my speakers and my room...I have 45 days trial with it.. I do hope it is a keeper..
thank you
The Raven Blackhawk should be an interesting audition.

Too bad you can't have a Dialogue next to it to compare.

The Raven is lacking a couple of features compared to the PL,but your ears are the final  judge.

Happy listening! 
Well a update on Raven vs my Marantz SR8002 .
A Raven Nighthawk arrived until the Raven Blackhawk Mk iii are ready for shipping..
Well I was totally surprised at what I did not hear through Marantz.
The musical sounds and definitions of instruments is just enjoyable to hear .Something I would have never guessed a Tube amp could produce... So yes this is a Nighthawk so just hoping that what I hear with this tube amp I will hear with Blackhawk. If I hear the same or even just a hint better I will be very happy with Raven Product.. The Nighthawk is manual volume and can not wait for remote to arrive. Few songs with tinnitus was just a little to loud and wish I had remote ..But if you get a chance to hear Raven amp would like to know what you hear from it..thank You for all your responses and will let you know in a month or so about the Blackhawk experience..
Well every one I want to thank all who have helped.. Not in tube amp purchasing but those of you who responded to tinnitus ..
If your moniker is an indication- I hope you wear earplugs when riding. I found that earplugs were not enough unless I was wearing a good helmet too.

Yes when riding 3 wheel auto cycles I wear helmet with ear flaps and ear plugs for tinnitus