Am I deaf?

Hello all,
Just got a Chord Qutest to use as an outboard dac with my Oppo BD 105. Connected the Chord to the Oppo coax out with an Audioquest Carbon coax cable. $2100 for the Qutest including the cable! I'm not hearing it. I think the Oppo dac may sound a bit better than the Chord. Tried all the filters. Am I nuts?
You’re not going deaf.  I got the Qutest to replace my Schiit Gumby Multibit because it had more features.
Boy was I disappointed!  
No contest. Like going from stereo to mono.
Can’t imagine what the reviewers were hearing.

 Returned it post haste.
Computers are noisy and are not ideal for streaming music. If you are comparing CD to computer then the difference in SQ may be down to this. 
I wasn't comparing cd to pc. Thought the resolution from the pc might be higher. 


"Oppo has very good DACs, so you aren’t deaf, a cream of the crop $200 DAC and cream of the crop $20,000 DAC sound more similar than you might believe"

What $20K DAC are you referring to? I am interested to know.

Happy Listening.

@honashagen , Thanks for the thread. I am having a similar experience. Last year I replaced a BDP-95, which I liked a lot, with a BDP-105 with some EVS mods. When I compared the two, I was disappointed because I thought the difference in sound quality was not proportional to the difference in cost.

I still hadn't learned my lesson and recently bought a used Ayre C5xeMP.
I can hear a bigger difference between the Ayre and Oppo, but at the moment, I prefer the Oppo on most, not all, material. Sorry @theo .  ;^)
It may well be because I haven't spent enough time acclimating my self to the Ayre yet. Or it may be that the Oppo aligns better with my particular pattern of hearing loss, which I think influences our preferences more than we'd like to think after a certain age. 

Anyway, I'll give the Ayre a while longer to grow on me before deciding whether to sell it or not, but I've finally learned a lesson: Just enjoy what you enjoy.