some of the best speaker cables under $250

I have owned many many cables over the years but with my current setup I am focusing on a different approach as far as cables are concerned. Impressed with a recently purchased pair of Morrow Audio MA2 RCA cables I feel that there are some great bang for the buck cables available and rather than start with what I've owned and liked in the past I want to try some of the strong contenders in the 'budget' range. Above all else I want musical not dry. I want to hear as much as possible into the music without it becoming clinical. Nothing new, I know.
I'm leaning toward Morrow cables but there seem to be so many cable makers out there I'm interested in what might not be on my radar.
I've owned Signal, Mapleshade, Crimson, LFD, Harmonic Tech, WLM DIY(in use) to name a few. My short list so far: Cullen, thegreencable, Morrow.
My current system consists of an LFD integrated, Tekton LORE Reference loudspeakers, Musical Paradise DAC/OPPO transport.
In the search for high-value (quality to cost) speaker cable, I auditioned all of these in my system: Audio Art, Morrow, Signal Cable, Blue Jeans, Anti-Cables, and Reality. With mostly 30-day trials, it literally took months of change-outs, comparisons, and shipping back and forth.

I'm still with Reality Cables ... though currently at $310, they're slightly higher than your stated limit. They were $275 at the time I bought mine, and well worth it IMHO.
Above all else I want musical not dry. I want to hear as much as possible into the music without it becoming clinical.

Why don't you try to get better electronics. It is a common mistake to hope that a cable can transform a mediocre System to good.
You did own SignalCable and it does not satisfy you. Well, that cable is good. Too bad, hm.
@ Audiolabyrinth: Thank you. How someone can have the gall to tell you that you won't be able to tell differences in making tweaks in your system, a system he's never heard before, is beyond me. Also, setting a price point to determine the worthiness of a tweak is, like I said earlier, ridiculous. Speaking of which, I'm still trying to make heads or tails of Melbguy1's statement about my "deadpan" remark. ???????
I've been in this game far too long and spent far too much money for comments from those listed above to go unrebuked.
Hey, if people feel they must spend exorbitant amounts of money on equipment (or anything else for that matter), as the only means to achieve great results, then I say LET THEM.
I've been to someone's house a few times whose system retails for around 300K. Every time I've been there, I kept thinking I couldn't wait to get home to listen to my system. While his system did a few things very well, it was too "hifi" and not as natural and organic sounding as my own. Now, this is all according to MY ears of course, but Audiolabyrinth that's all that matters.....your own ears.

Take care and happy listening.
In defense of Mental’s statement of 1/24, he was referencing expensive tweeks.

I believe any system benefits from ‘tweeking’, which I see as a response to individual preference and system environment. However, I could not justify the use of expensive tweeks on a budget system. Expensive tweeks can easily out-cost a budget system, which to many might seem ridiculous.

Regarding the original thread, speaker cables are not tweeks, testing many might be termed “tweeking’. Tweeking is fun. :-).
Thankyou devilboy for the kind word's,btW, The person who told that comment to me is the same person who said, dead pan remark to you,and I agree, my ear's is all that matters, however, given your description of the sound of your system, we have the same tast, natural, organic,= win's!