Anyone heard the Alsyvox Botticelli planar speakers?

Full range ribbon tweeter/midrange and push-pull planar magnetic bass driver.  22Hz to 40kHz. 94 dB efficient due to all neo magnets. 260 lbs per speaker.  Has garnered enthusiastic show reviews.  BTW, "only $87k".   Looks beautiful.

Over at WBF, there is considerable disbelief that the new Alsyvox’s can compete with their favorite old fashioned horn based stuff. Personally, I think a lot of those folks are too closed minded to ever hear these new speakers, never mind what they can do; but to me, given the rave reviews that they have received so far, an audition should be on anyone’s short list -if they are seriously shopping in these price categories.

Dr Vinyl is having an open house in Laurel Maryland this weekend and our audio club is meeting there. I can't wait to hear these speakers.
If anyone wants to hear the Bonticellis with excellent electronics (CAT Black Path preamp/Concert Fidelity monoblock amplifiers) you are welcome to audition in eastern Nebraska. They are very special speakers without box colorations or driver deficiencies that exist in many designs. I also have sourcing information to purchase the speakers.  
You have to love Italians. These are for certain gorgeous loudspeakers.
There is a dealer near by and I will certainly get there and have a listen.
Their big speaker is essentially a Tympany 4 in Italian terms. I would still use a subwoofer array with them But otherwise they meet all of the qualifications for a loudspeaker I would like. Two important issues. The first is any magnetic material near those speakers is going to get sucked right into them. There is a reason they have those thick teak bars running down the face. The second is durability. Ribbons are notoriously fragile, the manufacturer is young and lord knows how long they will stay in business and living in the State the manufacturer is a long ways away.
I would have to be reassured that there is something about these ribbons that makes them more durable and that there is adequate local capability to repair them. These things must weight a ton and having to ship them around is a recipe for disaster. But boy are they handsome!