Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other???

I’m looking for a new amp & want Class D.

I’ve seen various brands mentioned, such as PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrel to name a few, but I’ve not heard any of them.

Which company is producing the best sounding Class D?
Which models should I be looking to demo?


jetter, I wouldn't be surprised if sme of the haters own/work for hi-end companies who are stuck in the past with no way out 
 guido...how’s the Rowland M535 review coming along? please let us know when it’s ready for prime time... thanks.
Guido, Please let us know how big a difference there is between a single 535 vs a bridged pair in your evaluation, thanks.
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Mad respect to Colin. About 6 months ago I came very close to buying, his Ice Edge then learned more about NCore and could not decide. Complicating the purchase, Im in USA, where there is almost zero Nord resale market

Prior to my next purchase I had 2 Emerald Physics 100.2 SEs with upgraded fuses, which I found thin in the mids  (they replaced a W4S MC 250/500 multi-channel amp)  the 250 sounded different than the 500. I latter learned they were different modules

I replaced the EPs with a used Audio Alchemy DPA -1 (stereo amp: MSRP $1995), which I bought at ~ 50% off. My preamp is the AA DDP-1.(also $1995 (sans PS 5 power supply: $695).

This combination trounced the EP.  After many months I was finally able to purchase a demo PS 5 power supply at 30% off. That addition can be likened to a young boys puberty voice change.

I also am taking delivery of a slightly used (~ 300 hours) 3 piece PS Audio M700s (Ice modules) + Gain Cell dac//pre at ~ 40% off.

These class D experiences will prepare me for what comes next, but sooner or later there will be a next 

I hear you saying "BUT"

Well, this Nord could well be many people's last amp purchase, but what about GaN, etc?  The good and bad is Class D is a fast moving target. Both Ric of EVS and Ralph of Atmosphere are entering the game soon