Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other???

I’m looking for a new amp & want Class D.

I’ve seen various brands mentioned, such as PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrel to name a few, but I’ve not heard any of them.

Which company is producing the best sounding Class D?
Which models should I be looking to demo?


Hello Class D Lovers and Haters
I am following class D discussion maybe in last 5 years and though can’t say anything refer to thecnical barriers for achieving like in heaven sound quality but I’ll choose a good class D over any class A/B or A anytime!
Main reason is cost and physical design plus sound quality of class D amps! I think other average users have the same idea and the reason market is leaning to develop more advance amps by this technology , is ppl buy it and love it ( except few picky nerds that try by numbers warn us about this fraud )
Best advice for ppl is to test them by themselves , buy a second hand with good reviews ( not those mainly advertised by media but by ppl that have used them) 
just add a good tube pre amp and you won’t regret it unless you enjoying be the one who always like the old ones ;)
p.s) I am not working in audio business so that is my honest opinion !
Post removed 
yes there are uber expensive class D amps that may or may not be any better than Nord, but here in the USA, PS Audio is leading the way with their Ice Power M700s ($2998 @ 350/700w the pair!) and matching Stellar Gain Cell Dac/Pre $1699, plus 2 trusted names,  EVS and Atmosphere will soon debut their offerings

I just hooked up the PSA GC dac/pre to compare to my Audio Alchemy DDP-1 + PS 5 power supply ($1995 + $650)

next week I will hook up the M700s to compare to my AA DPA -1 stereo amp

First I hooked up the PSA M700s with my AA DDP-1 and finally a PS 5 power supply. Why these were ever sold separately is a mystery as the PS 5 unleashes the DDP-1s true potential

My big issue in getting the M700s was the small but mighty AA DPA-1 just wasn’t driving my big ass room, so... enter the M700s. I was told by the seller they had maybe 200 hours, and I’ve read that 300 begins to reveal their wonderfulness. They’ve been powering the EP KCIIs since Saturday evening. And yes, my room needed that double the power, but possibly Edge 1200s will be in my future, but as of last night when I spun Diana Krall Impulse: WOW

Texture in spades, expansive and sweet sound reminiscent of Rogue M 150s with cryoed tubes; along wth ample power. I hear zero nasties unless recorded on the cd, and boy I can really hear how poorly mastered some cds are

At 4k the pair, GaN can wait

So AA is for sale, but not because the PSA blows it away, although it does in this room

"I hear zero nasties unless recorded on the cd, and boy I can really hear how poorly mastered some cds are."

Hello tweak1,

    I'm glad you like the initial sound of your new PSA 700M amps. My class D amps have only improved in sq over time.
     Some of the main and most obvious characteristics of good class D amps are their neutrality, low distortion and low background noise level. These qualities combined together results in a highly transparent and detailed presentation that is very revealing. As you're aware, good recordings sound amazingly good but bad recordings sound obviously bad, too. 
     However, I don't think anyone would describe the accuracy of good class D amps as a downside. I believe a person can be guilty of being too truthful and honest but not an audio amp.
     Some may prefer a less revealing amp that doesn't so clearly demonstrate the poor recording quality of some of their musical content. It is frustrating to discover some of your music was not well mastered and recorded.  But I still prefer the accurate and honest attributes because the good recordings sound so incredibly good.
     Unfortunately, good recordings of good music are not as abundant as I'd like but that's a whole related subject that's justifiably been the topic of  other separate threads in the past.  
