Want to get into Analog

I’m thinking of taking a plunge into analog sources by picking up a vintage DD turntable.
There seems to be an endless supply of vintage tables available on eBay and CL.

Which models would be good values for under $1000 (total budget for turntable, arm, cartridge.  Thanks.
@orpheus10 Will you quit ruining it for me? I'm starting to get annoyed by pops and clicks on otherwise superb 60s analog LP recordings!
@chakster The Stanton has the  D98S II stylus.  I'll enjoy it while it lasts, it seems that a replacement is unobtanium and reviews are mixed for 3rd party stylus options.

The best company to retip Stanton/Pickering is EXPERT STYLUS in UK. You can email them to ask for the price: info@expertstylus.co.uk  The stylus profile is Paratrace and the price is very reasonable if you can't find the OG replacement. 
@chakster Thank you for that information, it's very much appreciated. Aren't you the same guy who in another thread was completely against retipping?

noromance, that just shows you're not dedicated enough. I don't know how many times I replaced some of those same recordings for that very same reason. Vinyl attracts pops and ticks like dogs attract fleas; they go with the territory.

Happy listening.