Vandersteen 2ce Signature and Signature 2?

Any way to tell the 2ce Signature to the 2ce Signature2? 
Probably needs clarification, carbon fiber comes in a variety of configuration, resin family, Bucky balls, graphemes, etc
the carbon in the CT and 7 drivers, with co-bonddd balsa core is of a particularly high stiffness aerospace grade.

engineering the driver to be pistonic and crossover is part of the magic.

like Richard said last eve “ I plan to spend the next ten years getting the pistonic drivers down in cost so more Vandersteen models can incorporate them and more music lovers benefit.
you can google his rather lengthy video showing laser analysis of in phase and out of phase breakup modes.....

Bob - he had a hearty laugh hearing about MXR powering VLR !!!!!

I use the MXR's with the Treo's.
I remember speaking to Michael at Ayre (customer service at the time) and discovered he used Ayre's top amp with Vandersteen 3A Sigs (I think it was the MX-R but maybe V-1?).
RV used MX-Rs with his 7s until he came out with his own amp.
pistonic drivers down in cost so more Vandersteen models can incorporate them
Would be fantastic if he can get a pistonic midrange into a sub $5K price point!
@gdnrbob like any good story, only a small part need be true
that is one killer office system you have