Vandersteen 2ce Signature and Signature 2?

Any way to tell the 2ce Signature to the 2ce Signature2? 
I use the MXR's with the Treo's.
I remember speaking to Michael at Ayre (customer service at the time) and discovered he used Ayre's top amp with Vandersteen 3A Sigs (I think it was the MX-R but maybe V-1?).
RV used MX-Rs with his 7s until he came out with his own amp.
pistonic drivers down in cost so more Vandersteen models can incorporate them
Would be fantastic if he can get a pistonic midrange into a sub $5K price point!
@gdnrbob like any good story, only a small part need be true
that is one killer office system you have
@tomic601 , 
Yeah, it is a bit over the top, but my main system really goes far beyond it.