what is the best Kt88 to get

 guys- trying a set of Sylvania 6sn7 bad boys now need to know what is the best kt88 to try- my amps came with the Mullard brand- does the KT88 effect the sound as much as the 6sn7's do?- thanks for the rec=
I have been on the KT88-6550 search for a few years with a Mcintosh MC60. Penta, Psvane, JJs,TungSol reissues, and NOS TungSol 3 hole grey plates,, Sophia Electric KT88s and now some new Gold Lions.
I have some hope that the GLs will, after burn in provide me with accurate timbre and send the right signal to the subwoofer amps in my ZU Def 4s. It’s a tradeoff. NOS TungSols are glorious in so many ways but give a subtle softness in the bass region and with the speaks lose a touch of punch. Rolled in different input and driver tubes to tighten up the bass.
Hoping the GLs prove out to be the best balance. Surprisingly, the Tung Sol reissues provide the best shove and overall dynamics, bass included, and every time I reintroduce them I like them. Put the NOS Tungsols in and it’s very musical. Pents, Psvane, JJ all too hard.
The Zus are very revealing and their is no doubt as to the differences. More than ever after reading threads on this, unless you can reference the amps being used as well as the speakers-just say each persons reference point has to be different, so yes Rodman,opinions of the different tubes come out differently.

Just a follow-up...

Depending on the taste of your music! You can install a Genalex original $500.00 per tube and it might not suit your taste. On my amp I like putting real strong tube. (I don’t like burn-in tubes). Some of them tend to loosen up the tone. Sounds like an off dialed 60’s tube amp weak power. There are such times I use a quad of PSVANE KT-88 I and listen to classic pops and some jazz. The bass in thundering with excellent highs. When I’m downstairs I can hear it pounding, but when I’m in front of the music room its not loud. the time I found the matching speaker for my amp with sound I’m looking for, even if I switch to a brand new genalex, there will be a change, but its not gonna be dramatic. irregardless if your speaker is high definition, Its all about using the correct speaker wattage to match your amp. If you can achieve that, Its like an open gate to a new world. Otherwise it’ll be an endless buying of different tubes, to amps, then to preamps etc..

I just found a NIB quad of Gold Lion that I had picked up a while back and forgot I had them in storage.   I just put them in my Quicksilver Mid Monos.   I had a quad of these a few years ago but didn't like how they sounded with my speaker at the time.  They are a great sounding tube in the right system.  Plenty of power and huge dynamic sound with my Heresy III.

......Klipsch Heresy

Most guys that I saw buying those speakers are aficionados. They do sound very good. I wish I can use a 12 inch woofer on my monitor but my music room is not as big as I want it to be. The beauty of it is I have my office in it and my guitar jam room so its a perfect size for me. I can dial my amp to 7 (out of "11") and it feels like I’m inside the show with Phil Collins doing a drum roll. Its a shame to put a subwoofer next to it..

I have 2 sets of  NOS un-ubtanium 1970’s
Genelex Golden Lions

really make my Doshi monoblocks sing