Classical Music for Aficionados

I would like to start a thread, similar to Orpheus’ jazz site, for lovers of classical music.
I will list some of my favorite recordings, CDs as well as LP’s. While good sound is not a prime requisite, it will be a consideration.
  Classical music lovers please feel free to add to my lists.
Discussion of musical and recording issues will be welcome.

I’ll start with a list of CDs.  Records to follow in a later post.

Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique.  Chesky  — Royal Phil. Orch.  Freccia, conductor.
Mahler:  Des Knaben Wunderhorn.  Vanguard Classics — Vienna Festival Orch. Prohaska, conductor.
Prokofiev:  Scythian Suite et. al.  DG  — Chicago Symphony  Abbado, conductor.
Brahms: Symphony #1.  Chesky — London Symph. Orch.  Horenstein, conductor.
Stravinsky: L’Histoire du Soldat. HDTT — Ars Nova.  Mandell, conductor.
Rachmaninoff: Symphonic Dances. Analogue Productions. — Dallas Symph Orch. Johanos, cond.
Respighi: Roman Festivals et. al. Chesky — Royal Phil. Orch. Freccia, conductor.

All of the above happen to be great sounding recordings, but, as I said, sonics is not a prerequisite.


Are you sure you don’t mean IVAN Moravec?
A HANS Moravec is into robotics.
mahgister, FWIW, I think God prefers all of Moravec's music. He didn't record a lot but what he did is well worth hearing. I can recommend some more if your interested. 

twoleftears, I'm not sure what caused you to reach your conclusions, but I think it may be an illusion caused by some folks who have been around music for generations and have substantial familiarity with a lot of the great performers and the music in which they may excel. In the beginning I think most folks are repertoire based and become more artist oriented later after knowledge of the standard repertoire has been acquired. 

For example, I happen to like Massenet's PC also  (I have the same  Hyperion version as you.) I also happen to like a newer pianist, Jean-Efflam Bavouzet. I found a CD in which he performs some Ravel, Debussy, and the Massenet. I bought it and was not disappointed, in either composers music, but especially his Debussy.  I went on to purchase all of his Debussy recordings as well. I like his style a great deal and will now likely follow most all of his recordings for something else that I might enjoy.  Oh, and I liked his Massenet  much more than Ossonce's. BTW that is a Chandos CD if you're interested. 
I apologize for my confusion Rvpiano.... For sure Ivan and not Hans Moravec that think robot will think in some days to come... For Ivan Moravec I had listen to all his cd, and he is in a class of his own, an aquarellist able to nuance with astounding singing perfection... If you compare any of his interpretation with any other great pianist you will hear his unique touch...He is equal to the greatest … You are right Newbee, we are in the same club...My best to you...

By the way another one of my idols is :

Ervin Nyiregyházi,he is perhaps the greatest pianist that ever be with Scriabin,Rachmaninoff,Liszt,Barrere,Sofronitsky,Moravec,Feinberg,Neuhaus and not many more...If you doubt it, read the letter that Schoenberg wrote to the young Klemperer, after listening a concert of him... I dont think that Schoenberg takes times to notice any pianist ,as great as it is, and write a raving piece about it, mostly when the pianist interpretation contradict his own esthetic like Nyiregyhasi; his letter begins in incredulity and ends in an extasy with an invitation for Klemperer to comes and listening to him...Then you will know that it is not my own single opinion...Listen to that and your heart will melt or open without limit.... Liszt indeed was a great great composer,it takes a Nyiregyhazi to play it...Manifestation of divinity at this level in the art of interpretation are rare indeed...I am in love with Liszt now more than ever, guess why?

He plays here Oberman valley of Liszt, in the slowest and the thunderous heartfelt version of this opus that exist on earth:

Even Richter in the same piece cannot touch the stellar power of this god, any other pianist is truly at most only a giant compared to this god indeed...
To conclude I will only add that if Bach is  the first proof of the existence of God(dixit Emil Cioran) I will say that Nyiregyhazy playing is the second proof for me...