Recommendations for improving visceral impact?

Hi!  I recently upgraded the majority of components in my system, and am happy with how it's going. I'm very happy with the detail, musicality, and separation of instruments. However, I think it's still lacking in visceral impact and also (particularly in two-channel listening) spatial imaging (both left/right and depth).

Our primary use is home theater - so improving impact is more important to me than improving imaging. 

Here's my setup - would love any recommendations for ways to improve... 

  • Left & Right: B&W 803S
  • Center: B&W Nautilus HTM1
  • Rears: B&W 301
  • Sub: Monoprice 10" Monolith
  • Preamp: Marantz AV8802A (with upgraded fuse)
  • Amp: Rotel RMB-1585
  • Amp/Preamp Interconnects: Bluejeans RCA

The room is approximately 18' deep by 20' wide. I've added GIK acoustic panels around the room, as much as possible based on room layout and aesthetics. 

Unfortunately the couch is against the wall, which I'm guessing isn't helping... but there's no other option for placement. I've also tinkered with speaker placement as much as possible; the B&W's like to be quite far apart, and I'm maxed out on width at this point.

I'm using the Audyssey room correction -- it's necessary since the front left speaker is a few inches from the left side wall and a corner, and is incredibly boomy without it.

I'd prefer not to change out any components at this point, so my thinking is that the interconnects between the Marantz and the Rotel, and perhaps from changing power cords and/or adding a power conditioner, could be the way to improve here.

Thoughts or suggestions? Thanks!  

I agree with birdfan.
Multiple subs would contribute to a more even distribution of bass impact, as well as more bass volume.
Thanks all. Reading a bit more about "forwardness" and "presence" it seems more like the 1khz to 3khz range tends to be related to what I’m talking about.

So I really don’t think the issue is <60hz... and therefore probably not a subwoofer issue. (and unfortunately I also don’t have the space for a second sub, nor a larger sub...the Monolith 10" is already quite a beast!)

Your main speakers lack impact/presence for two channel, right?  Too far apart is no good.  Placement/distance to seating area next big thing.  Can you use XLR’s?  If so, try some good musical cables like MIT or Audioquest.  Actually, the speaker cables will make the biggest difference and MIT technology really shines in that area.  Best bang for buck in an unbelievable power cord bargain/performance is the Anticables Reference at $330!!  Absolutely stunning.
Vacuum your carpet before critical listening? really we are going there now. Next we will have threads on what vacuum sounds the best.
I thought you couldn't hear anything in a vacuum. 😄
(Couldn't resist).

As for the OP's dilemma, if only you could just sit closer and move those speakers closer together.

All the best,