Difference between 720p and 1080p projectors?

I've had an Optoma H79 projector for 5 years and it still works great, but I'm wondering how much video quality difference is there between it's 720p resolution and newer projectors offering 1080p. And is there a very noticable visual difference/improvement or essentially the same?
Is this a great example or what.Is there any programing in 1080P.1080i is all thats used.the hd programing, the cameras are 1080i.At least that was my understanding.Good luck
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Most HD cable, satellite, and over the air signals are broadcast in 720P (1080i) not 1080P. The most common source for 1080P is the Blu-ray DVD format. So, on broadcast HD, you won't see much difference between a 720P or 1080P projector.
I may be wrong,but I think a 1080p has around 2,076,300 pixels to make a picture,720p has around 921,600 pixels.That is 2X the pixel count.I don't know how much of a percentage increase in a sharper picture that would be.200%? But the larger the screen,the more you could tell how much better 1080p BluRays are.The way I understand,we won't be seeing any 1080p broadcast for years due to limited bandwidth.Who knows if there will be any other 1080p sources besides BluRay,computers,and video games.Don't hold me to this info.