Very interesting experiment you have going on here Doug. Read through most but not all of this thread as well as the original article posted on Dagogo. Bob Smith's response also made much sense although to have a complete understanding of all he had to say would require another reading or two at least for me.
I'm sure some EE on this website will correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't it be easier, much easier in fact to create your own interconnects using two twisted pairs of high quality wire using a cross connected method. By that I mean each pair would have a positive and negative and both positives and both negatives are soldered to respective terminals on the RCA plugs. Shielding if needed could be added as well. To my way of thinking this is a far simpler way of accomplishing what you're doing with a litany of accessories. The exact same method could also be used on XLR plugs as well but with the addition of a third wire be it shielding or otherwise.
It is worth noting some cable companies prefer to use twisted pair wire vs coaxial for line level interconnects. Ray Kimber I believe is a big proponent of this implementation.
In the past I have built cables like this myself, both RCA and XLR using nothing more than dissected CAT 5 cabling. Granted probably not the best copper available but it made for an inexpensive easy to assemble test and experiment.
Now all that out of the way, what I don't understand and surely someone will school me on this is why you think doubling the capacitance on an already low capacitance set of interconnects will create harmful oscillation between pre-amp and amp. I know this is true for wide bandwidth amplifiers where high capacitance speaker cable is used to drive the speakers. Goertz flat wire as well as excessive multiple braided wires come to mind, but only on amps that have high bandwidth. There are numerous cable companies manufacturing interconnects both RCA and XLR with much higher capacitance than we are discussing using any of these experiments and to the best of my knowledge without any harm. I do understand your sense of caution but not entirely sure what translates to the amp/speaker combination also translates to pre-amp to amp or line source to pre-amp. Hopefully this make sense.
I'm sure some EE on this website will correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't it be easier, much easier in fact to create your own interconnects using two twisted pairs of high quality wire using a cross connected method. By that I mean each pair would have a positive and negative and both positives and both negatives are soldered to respective terminals on the RCA plugs. Shielding if needed could be added as well. To my way of thinking this is a far simpler way of accomplishing what you're doing with a litany of accessories. The exact same method could also be used on XLR plugs as well but with the addition of a third wire be it shielding or otherwise.
It is worth noting some cable companies prefer to use twisted pair wire vs coaxial for line level interconnects. Ray Kimber I believe is a big proponent of this implementation.
In the past I have built cables like this myself, both RCA and XLR using nothing more than dissected CAT 5 cabling. Granted probably not the best copper available but it made for an inexpensive easy to assemble test and experiment.
Now all that out of the way, what I don't understand and surely someone will school me on this is why you think doubling the capacitance on an already low capacitance set of interconnects will create harmful oscillation between pre-amp and amp. I know this is true for wide bandwidth amplifiers where high capacitance speaker cable is used to drive the speakers. Goertz flat wire as well as excessive multiple braided wires come to mind, but only on amps that have high bandwidth. There are numerous cable companies manufacturing interconnects both RCA and XLR with much higher capacitance than we are discussing using any of these experiments and to the best of my knowledge without any harm. I do understand your sense of caution but not entirely sure what translates to the amp/speaker combination also translates to pre-amp to amp or line source to pre-amp. Hopefully this make sense.