Bricasti M1 vs DCS Debussy

I am in the market for a new DAC. Could anyone offer up their experiences with these models? I am a fan of DCS but question the Debussy because of its vintage. What I am really asking, is the Debussy outdated for the price?

Also, please feel free to recommend similar competitors. I have also been looking at the Aqua products and am intrigued by their upgradability.

Okay Folkfreak that still proves there products are still obsoleted.

Even so how can you compare a still obsoleted DCS product to one that is not, you are still tallking a company that is still not actively creating a true path to keeping the same product current as technology advances.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

Thanks all thus far! I take no offense to a dealer's opinion. I am just trying to get the best unit possible within that $10k price range and not having to worry about upgrading a whole unit in 3 years. The inclusion of streaming capability within the units is also a plus and an area I would like to head towards. It is nice to see that companies are embracing upgradability. 
Please keep the advice coming,

i personally would be pretty happy to have a dcs dac. i would think that the new bartok dac would be awesome but of course still expensive. generally in audio as in cars etc the top tier products/companies attract hyper criticism. the guys that don’t/can’t carry it really slam. 
4425 yes the Bartok does look awesome, in that same price range we have the Lumin X1 which also sounds awesome and the Lumin is one terrific sounding piece with a great feature set and series of strengths.

Had  a ton of experience with DCS in the past, and allways felt their products were on the more analytical side rather then musicality, if you want to hear every last bit of detail a DCS product is one of the best top notch build quality we hardly slam DCS but facts about platform to platform obsolesence is a good point if that matters to a potential buyer of one of these items.

The issues we raised before is platform evoluation, which Aqua is great a doing, vs DCS and a few others mentioned that did not offer real platform to plaform upgrades some of our products like the Lumin have a similar philosophy to DCS with an six to eight year life cycle. 

We have yet to do a shoot out between the DCS and the Lumin titans

We are going to be evaluating Rokna next it seems that they too make a very highly thought of dac for a somewhat sane price point for a reference grade dac.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Aqua Hif, Lumin dealers

 I have an old DCS Elgar/Purcell combo that has served me well for over 15 years. Love the sound as its faults are to the warm or soft side.  Picked up a Bricasti M1 and was blown away at how good it is. In fact I am committed to it and I have sent it in for the latest updates (MDX/Firmware).  
 I only do red book and the Bricasti M1 from a tech perspective seems to be a strong choice. If I utilized hi Rez (computer/network) files or streamed Tidal and its MQA formats I may have looked at other offerings.
 Its amazing that almost every forum thread I read has Audiotroy on it. It seems that I retail store owner would stay away from forums. Business is business and I guess it must work for them. Sad but it is what it is.
 I listen to opinions of end users and try to form a consensus.