Merlin TSM comparisons


I've been reading up lately on all kinds of monitors, and have been intrigued by Merlin's TSM. The latest iteration is the mmi, I believe.

If you've heard the TSM lately, especially in comparison to other, current monitor offerings out there, I'd love to hear your opinions. I know that there are other Merlin threads on Audiogon but I am especially interested in hearing from folks who have compared them to others, especially if you've lived with them.
That is too bad about the Castle speakers. I have read many good things about them, never heard them, and I was disappointed to see them discontinue production about three years ago. I see, though, the the line has been picked up by a Chinese company.

That could be both good and bad. Good in that production costs come down. Bad in that there is the potential for quality control issues but that might be a wash given your own experience with them. What the Chinese do with them only time will tell, but if they stay true to its sonic heritage, who knows?
Hi Mapman,
I had the Dynaudio Special 25's prior to Merlin TSM-mme's. The Dynaudio was excellent and had amazing bass for it's size. However, "in my room", the sealed Merlin gives a better presentation.

I could never get the Dyn to totally disappear and go invisible, the Merlin's do a great job in that regard.

Can you tell me more about your system. What kinds of electronics, cabling and stands are you using? Thanks!
"I could never get the Dyn to totally disappear and go invisible, the Merlin's do a great job in that regard."

I've accomplished that with the Dyn Contour 1.3mkii when able to optimize placement away from walls. They are rear ported. Not as much where currently located only a foot or so out in my wife's sunroom. The sealed enclosure should work well closer to walls I would expect.

I'm guessing the sealed enclosure is a big part of the Merlin's magic in some setups in comparison to other monitor designs that are ported in order to extend range.

I think I read some Merlins actually use Dynaudio drivers.
mapman, driver technology is important but not as important as how you use it. the woofer in the tsm is a morel and the tweeters are handmade to my spec by rennaissance audio and is an improoved version of the morel mdt28. it is the ren mst30.5. the disapearing act hififile speaks of has to do with the cabinet profile/dispersion, driver spacing, the very wide and super flat amplitude and its very continuous sound from top to bottom. it is imho, very expansive sounding.
best, b