Merlin TSM comparisons


I've been reading up lately on all kinds of monitors, and have been intrigued by Merlin's TSM. The latest iteration is the mmi, I believe.

If you've heard the TSM lately, especially in comparison to other, current monitor offerings out there, I'd love to hear your opinions. I know that there are other Merlin threads on Audiogon but I am especially interested in hearing from folks who have compared them to others, especially if you've lived with them.
What is the price range for the latest and greatest small Merlins?

Also I'm wondering if experienced MErlin users have opinions regarding which configuration in this range offers the greatest value?

I'm assuming the top of the price range offers the best and most refined sound in all cases. Is that an accurate assumption?
Also I am interested specifically in opinions regarding which TSM configurations might offer improvement over the monitors in my system in that the cost of TSMs appear to fall nicely between the cost of what I own and the cost of one of there reference monitors I have heard, the Magico Mini.

The monitors in my system currently are Triangle Titus XS that retailed for $500 new when I bought them in the mid 90's and the Dynaudio Contour 1.3mkii's that retailed for about $2500 I believe about ten years ago.
Mapman, two of the speakers I considered early on were the Revel M22 (I had previously enjoyed the M20) and the Dynaudio Contour s1.4.

I generally don't like racing speakers and all three were heard in different rooms with different gear. My preference, by a large margin obviously went to the Merlins. They achieve a boxless quality that remains unmatched in my experience. I haven't heard Triangle Titus, so I can't comment on those.
