Hi jetter,
You don't sound like a broken record at all. I just installed the Goertz cables a couple of weeks ago. I can install the zobels, but I don't see any reason to right now. I never heard that an amp can be damaged slowly by using capacitive cables. Do you have any references regarding that? I was under the impression that if it doesn't work, it will be immediately apparent. My amp runs nice and cool without the zobels and sounds pretty damn good, so I don't think there are any problems. The Classe has protection cicuitry built in, so if there were a problem, I think it would go into protection mode as pop's amp does.
You don't sound like a broken record at all. I just installed the Goertz cables a couple of weeks ago. I can install the zobels, but I don't see any reason to right now. I never heard that an amp can be damaged slowly by using capacitive cables. Do you have any references regarding that? I was under the impression that if it doesn't work, it will be immediately apparent. My amp runs nice and cool without the zobels and sounds pretty damn good, so I don't think there are any problems. The Classe has protection cicuitry built in, so if there were a problem, I think it would go into protection mode as pop's amp does.