Merlin TSM comparisons


I've been reading up lately on all kinds of monitors, and have been intrigued by Merlin's TSM. The latest iteration is the mmi, I believe.

If you've heard the TSM lately, especially in comparison to other, current monitor offerings out there, I'd love to hear your opinions. I know that there are other Merlin threads on Audiogon but I am especially interested in hearing from folks who have compared them to others, especially if you've lived with them.
"Most speakers have some level of beaming, however subtle, that shatters the illusion."

No doubt, which makes some like my Dyns harder to setup.

The Triangles are top notch in this regard.

Bobby, can you be more specific? Not sure what you are asking.
I sold my Triangle Cometes around six months ago and I thought they were fine speakers, especially for the money, and did well at low volume levels, but the Merlins clearly best the Cometes in every area I can think of including low volume listening which is important to me because I live in an apartment building. I auditioned the Triangle Titus at In Living Stereo in NYC a few years ago, but I actually preferred the Cometes of course I only spent about an hour with them so it is not a really thorough evaluation. I think the electronics used were the Quicksilver amp and preamp.
m, room volume/size, wires and electronics?
then i will recommend one.
one is better suited to all out tube systems and the other to ss and leaner tubes.
the mmi to leaner tubes/ss and the mx-r to all out tube systems. both are available with the master rc's as an option.

My gear is all listed in my system.

Current amp is Bel Canto ref1000m mono blocks.

Rooms where I commonly use monitors to best effect are 12X12. One has typical 7-8 foot high drywall ceiling and the other (sun room) where I use monitors most often has Cathedral ceiling, windows on three sides and tile floors with large heavy oriental rug. The Dynaudio monitors are pictures there currently in my system though I have used both Triangle and Dynaudio in there to good effect.