Lexicon BD-30 universal player

I saw an interesting review of the new Lexicon BD-30 universal player and the reviewer mentioned that he bought the oppo se to compare the lexicon to. His verdict is that the lexicon was better built, better picture and much quieter in operation. The msrp is $3500. Has anyone else had the opportunity to compare these? I understand a price difference between the two is significant but was just wondering if it would be worth that difference?
Look forward to opinions and ideas. Thanks.

Joe in Mobile
...and realize now the number of people aware of this scam at this company going home at night to tell their families how creative their jobs are?! Nice spot on your resumes...scammers!
The Lex IS a oppo83...for 2.5 thousand more...it's your money but I suggest save for a rainy day.
The Lex IS a oppo83...for 2.5 thousand more...it's your money but I suggest save for a rainy day.
To all of those that are crying the Lex is just a covered Oppo, it has always been, "Buyer Beware". Nothing new with Lexicon. If they can get away with it, more power to them. I think a really good way to attack Lexicon back, is just don't buy the player. That usally stops companies alot quicker than belly aching.:)