Speaker With Least Room Interaction

What speaker has the least problem with the type of room up have in regard to bass boom.  In other words the least bit of room interaction. Rear bass port, front bass port, bottom bass port, sealed.

I always had room boom/bass issues, and recently tried the Spatial Audio M3 Turbo S. No more room issues regarding bass. The looks may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but they sound great and are not outrageously priced.
Definitely Spatial Audio. I am using the M4 Triode Masters and have no issues with bass boom. My room is 10' by 20' with an 8' ceiling and the previous box speakers I owned really boomed on the bass notes. Spatial Audio speakers are open baffles and do need to be about 3' from the wall behind them and about 1' from the side walls to work well.
I don't fully understand the bass port thing and I don't see the big passive radiators in speakers that much anymore.

Having said that, the experience I had as a new audiophile with a pair of fairly nice speakers that were given to me was the opposite from what people were describing above. They were not boomy at all and even felt a little anemic in the bass department at first. The trick, of course, was to move them closer to the back and side walls. I say 'of course' since when back ported speakers are too boomy you move them away from the wall as conventional wisdom says all speakers should be. But not these. Their sweet spot is much closer to the wall than recommended for most room set ups. I've confirmed this with these speakers in two different rooms.

So maybe un-ported speakers might meet the OP's quest but if there are issues with placement in regard to proximity to walls it seems clear to me that some speakers might work better than others even if they are rear ported.
I tried room treatments and digital EQ (Roon) that helped a lot but nothing helped as much as going to a small floor standing sealed cabinet design.

Kind of what I said. <grin>

Although, technically, I've always wondered about the folded Klipshorn designs.

They function as both bass cabinets and bass traps, so I've always wondered if they would be less room dependent than others.