Will technology make records obsolete one day?

To my ears, a high quality system and vinyl is the best way to go for sound.  But I am wondering if  DACs will improve to the point that they will soon equal and therefore kill vinyl. Should I go ahead and stop buying vinyl now? Any thoughts?
Get a MoFi pressing of Donald Fagen’s The Nightfly - an album that was recorded digitally but sounds far superior in LP form - quite an ear-opener.

Even the $27 reissue LP is superior to the CD.
Digital will continue to improve steadily and at some point will surpass the sound quality of vinyl for all but the most dedicated vinyl fans.  I don't know when vinyl records will stop being produced, but they will someday.  Digital recording has pretty much already replaced tape and tape degrades over time, so even music recorded on tape is being digitized.

I'm not saying anyone on this forum's digital system sounds better than anyone's vinyl system, I'm talking about trends well into the future.  
Digital Revolution sounded like Communist Mantra back in the day. Well, hear in the border of the East we Finns never took it too seriously. We won´t never be fooled, by any mantra : )
I don't have the link, but I did read an article a few years back about an amazing archeological find. Someone had the presence of mind to play the side of an ancient pot as if it were an LP. They knew that the potter had made designs in the vessel by holding a stick against it as it spun on the wheel. Archeologists mimicked the motion of that stick and listened to see if it had recorded any sounds while the potter was working. In fact, they heard the muffled but distinctive sound of a conversation taking place. Sorry I can't find the URL but the article did include a sound file. I suppose it could be a hoax but I don't think so.  

The point? There is something durable about the actual, physical trace.