I agree with what you say: "a delicious richness about them that really stood out from the crowd. One could easily get totally lost in the music listening to them. My impression was that they’d be totally non-fatiguing to listen to all day long."
The reason I’m interested in making a change is not because adding subs threw off the balance, it’s because I find the speakers to be a bit "sleepy." They simply don’t do anything wrong but they don’t generally grab me. My mind can easily wander when listening.
The reason I said I may never replace them is because I can listen for hours on end with absolutely no fatigue.
I’ve tried them with many different amps of different strengths and in an almost infinite number of positions within my room but the speakers simply are what they are. They sound best in the corners, set up exactly how Audio Note (and I assume Peter Snell) say to set them up. Driving them in this position with 2, 4, 8, 16, 20 or 250 watts doesn’t bring about the difference that I’m looking for.
But, in the end, I will not trade long-term listening enjoyment for excitement.
I agree with what you say: "a delicious richness about them that really stood out from the crowd. One could easily get totally lost in the music listening to them. My impression was that they’d be totally non-fatiguing to listen to all day long."
The reason I’m interested in making a change is not because adding subs threw off the balance, it’s because I find the speakers to be a bit "sleepy." They simply don’t do anything wrong but they don’t generally grab me. My mind can easily wander when listening.
The reason I said I may never replace them is because I can listen for hours on end with absolutely no fatigue.
I’ve tried them with many different amps of different strengths and in an almost infinite number of positions within my room but the speakers simply are what they are. They sound best in the corners, set up exactly how Audio Note (and I assume Peter Snell) say to set them up. Driving them in this position with 2, 4, 8, 16, 20 or 250 watts doesn’t bring about the difference that I’m looking for.
But, in the end, I will not trade long-term listening enjoyment for excitement.