What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report

I enjoy vinyl and digital (lately, with recent changes, vinyl actually sounds better than digital to me), BUT given what seems an overall preference for analog/vinyl on A'gon, I'm curious what the non-vinyl "1/2" is listening to. I tried to see if this was a previously posted question. Did not seem so.

This evening for me, it's Genesis (definitive edition remaster) "A Trick of the Tail".

Fantastic experience there Steve!

Your description conjures a glorious vision and a "wish I had been there" feeling!
Great concert recollection, Steve. Excellent seats and Bruford as a bonus. Like uber, I too get a strong picture and certainly wish I’d been there. I was going to mention Peter Gabriel’s departure but forgot. Glad you brought it up. As much as I like Foxtrot and Lamb, there’s a certain "sprawl" to those Gabriel albums. Trick of the Tail on the other hand is more polished, focused and (cohesive?). Not a weak track...not a weak note, anywhere. Closing with Los Endos and its quotes from Dance is just genius. While I’m on this rave, let’s not overlook the album art. To me, a gorgeous (gatefold in vinyl) complete package.

"Sail away...." indeed.  Talk about beautiful melody lines!

Pleased someone else still carries the torch for Trick of the Tail.
Peter Gabriel - Passion

a bit compressed dynamically, but sounds beautiful through the Oppo