DSD vs PCM .. Truth or Myth

Just been reading this article which raises a lot of points and questions.

I found it interesting at least.


Just think if SACD had been dsd128 and 5 bit? Might have been a lot more successful?

Thank You for posting an excellent article.  I am a big proponent for the SACD format. I am also a big proponent for the original RBCD format. 
I own a few titles that are 20-bit and 24-bit remasters. As most are finding out with reference to downloads and other files, there can be too much compression and resolution at 24/192. Top tier Audio gear will expose these differences which is not always more musical.  Happy Listening!

Happy listening indeed my friend.

Glad some members are finding it informative and interesting. I was very impressed with the article.
Nothing has killed DSD and high rez files more than modern DACs. They sound really really good even with Redbook.
Good point Eric.

Only couple weeks ago I was listening to CD as a transport only to my DAC and found I was extremely impressed with the overall SQ, much more so than when using its analog outs.

Progress indeed.