Sub Woofer set up

Confused on how to set up my Main speakers with my sub. I have full range front speakers (Silverline Sonata MK.lll) and the Silverline center channel.  Rear speakers are also full range. My sub is the GoldenEar Technology forcefield One. I am using the LFE sub output. Should I set all speakers to small and subwoofer to Yes to direct all bass and LFE information to the sub or set all speakers to large and sub woofer to No to direct all bass and LFE to the L/R Main speakers and therefore the Sub.
Uhhm, I really think you should read up on subwoofer material. is a really good informational site. Using the LFE output is not generally recommended. Explained by  it's a lot of reading and understanding but worth every minute spent there and it's free.

Zero issues with LFE.
Taken directly from your linked website:

In a living-room sized room, the most desirable setup is to run all the speakers as SMALL, and send the fully MANAGED BASS (NOT ’just’ LFE) to the SUB(s)


As I’ve explained, unless the measurements are off (they are only 100% accurate down to ~100Hz), your speakers likely don’t hit 30Hz at high outout; A crossover isn’t a hard cut either, it’s a roll-off in both directions, I would try 60Hz to start.