Best Bass Amp!

I’m in the process of rebuilding my pair of Kinergetics SW-900 linesource subwoofers that have six 10” drivers per side. I need input on choosing the best sounding(5hz-80hz), most powerful, hardest hitting & most important cool running(most likely Class-D)monoblock bass amplifiers. I prefer ‘always on’ or ‘auto turn on’ if possible. No built-in crossover needed since I’ll be using my Pre/Pro for that. They will be used for music(40%) & home theater(60%) to mate up to my Apogee Studio Grand & Dali Megaline speakers.

I want to stay under $2500 price new/used for the pair if possible.

My choices so far are:

Bel Canto Ref-1000

Wyred 4 Sound SX-1000

PS Audio M-700

Emerald Physics 200.2SE(in mono)

I have a Coda Continuum No. 8 Stereo Class-A amplifier I will be comparing to hear the difference with the digital amps listed above.

FYI- I’ll be replacing the stock Vifa woofers in the SW-900 with Dayton Audio Reference 10” woofers(model #RSS265HF-8).

Please help me select the best from the list above or add any other amps you can think of that would be better.

Thank you!


     I understand you're just looking for a good bass amp but I hope you're open to a suggestion that will provide state of the art bass response to your room/system that will also integrate seamlessly with either of your very good pair of speakers.  
     It's the Audio Kinesis Swarm distributed bass system and the complete package sells for $2,800 with your choice of wood.  It consists of 4 medium sized 4 ohm subs with 10" woofers driven by an included 1K watt class AB amp. The subs are positioned throughout the room in a specific step by step procedure that results in flat perceived bass response down to 20 Hz throughout the entire room, not just a predetermined sweet spot. 
      I'm not a seller, just a very satisfied user with a pair of large Magnepan panels in a system used for both 2-ch music and ht.  I could write a long post describing exactly how well this system actually performs but I discovered this Absolute Sound review of the Swarm bass system (link attached below) is a very accurate description of what to expect and what I experience in my 23' x 16' room.  I'm sure you could repair and sell your very good pair of Kinergistics SW-900 multi-driver subs at a good price.


I've heard Parasound Classic series amps are very good for bass duties.. Not only they go pretty deep but they are very musical.. This coming from a speaker manufacturer who's cheapest pair of speakers are in the $12,000 range.. They make passive subs and recommend these.. 
Best Bass Amp!
For value for money, best bass amp is a Class-D, so long as the speaker stays at or above 4ohms. "Generally" Class-D **** themselves current wise into a 2ohm load.
There "maybe" one or two that can do 2ohm with a wattage figure trying to double from 4ohms, but I've yet to see one tested.

Cheers George 
ptheo, the improvement available just from moving the four drivers you have now to four individual enclosures in a distributed bass array like Tim mentions above, the improvement from that alone will be greater than upgrading the drivers. In other words you could keep what you have, put them in four boxes and be way ahead. 

The Kinergetics (and most all other subs) are based on the same old single sub paradigm designs that have been so well proven not to work. As long as you're already planning on buying 4 drivers you might as well put them in a configuration that will work. Not just work but SOTA work.
I have owned W4S (older models) and now own PSA M700s in a bigger room than yours. The bass is excellent 

However, you might look into getting a IceEdge 1200AS1/2 module mounting it on a board and smiling a lot, not only because of the money you saved over buying an audio product (with chassis) but the wallop from 1200ws