Component isolation

Let’s say you’re going to add isolation feet to a component with no moving parts, such as a preamp, phono stage, DAC, amp, tuner, etc. 

Which one is most critical to the extent would get your attention first? 
Ok ...Thanks for your observations,that makes sense...But You dont explain to me why stones connected with batteries+magnets act the way they act on the sound … I have experimented with that for the last year and the results are so great I am curious the reason why and you seems one of the few people who understand something about stones in audio...
Reverse piezoelectric effect is probably the operating principle. 
geoffkait14,365 posts03-19-2019 6:38amReverse piezoelectric effect is probably the operating principle.

Thanks Geoffkait… This is food for my thinking...If I understand you the stones " filters" the EM of my interconnected audio gear by transforming a part of the distortion cause by the interactive EMF induced resonance in heat...Then  the stones placed along the main electrical line of my house act in the same manner: by piezo-electrical reverse effect? They "filters" by absorbing a portion of the electrical field and transforming  that into heat ? 

Thanks for your time I want to understand this effect, that was eyes opening for me with my audio hobby more than any purchase and more than any upgrade...