The most important factor in soundstage imaging

Everybody wants a system that images well. There are  many discussions here positing equipment changes that will improve imaging. Some people think the magic wand is cables, others are sure it’s the preamp, and the ones that don’t think it’s preamps, think it’s amplifiers. And, of course, speakers are (correctly) mentioned. 

However, the single most important factor in audio stereo imaging, is increasing direct radiation and decreasing reflected radiation, by moving the speakers away from the back wall, and away from the side walls. 
If you've ever taken the time to actually tune in your speakers' placement, you will have gotten to know them very well by then and discovered that symmetric but very precise alignment is necessary to even approach their capability. You have about a 1mm window of tolerance between the two.
However, the single most important factor in audio stereo imaging, is increasing direct radiation and decreasing reflected radiation,

Mostly. Diffraction in between and on the sides can sometimes enhance the experience with more ambiance and more volume in the mid to high frequencies, enhancing the realism.

by moving the speakers away from the back wall, and away from the side walls.

That's an important first step, but it is by no means the only one. Room treatment in all 3 dimensions matter.

It is also true that different speakers work differently in their interaction and reflections, so there's no one ideal treated room. Line sources and horns for instance may work better in bare rooms.
Why do so many people fail to distinguish between imaging and soundstaging?  There are clearly systems and setups that do one well and the other not.
However, the single most important factor in audio stereo imaging, is increasing direct radiation and decreasing reflected radiation,

Those of us with omnis (I own MBLs) may be surprised to hear that, as the addition of the omni pattern makes these things soundstage and image like nothing else.

That said, I do prefer to get closer to my MBLs, mostly because I tend to like the instrumental timbre with more direct sound.
With all due respects, I put many other system attributes before sound staging and imaging, although I appreciate that my system can disappear, soundstage and image with the best of them. Tone, coherence, dynamics, agility ( prat ), detail, are all more significant to me, and a good system should be able to do it all. I hear many systems that sound stage and image well, but lack many of the other characteristics I find important. Most systems I have heard recently have failed, for me, in the dynamics department and the prat department. Just boring and ill defined.