Best used preamp processor

Hi, I want to know what is the best option for a used preamp processor
under $600? many Options I have are:
sunfire theater grand ii
proceed avp-s or avp
rotel rsp 1068
outlaw 990
yamaha dsp A-1
integra Dtc 9.4
theta Casanova
ead, I want to know the best for theater and music.Please help me to choose.
No answer until you detail your other components and your specific needs.

What's "best" for Joe Blow will not nesessarily be what's "best" for you.Kal does bring up a valid point if you want to get some reccomendations.Good luck.
For your proposed budget the outlaw is nice and can be had for less. On the other hand...for a hundred more than you propose the new Emotiva umc1 is a boatload of tech for a crazy low price and remember customer support/service. Something to ponder.
I purchased a nht controller some time ago for a little more than your budget and have been very pleased. Recently saw one go for your intended price at the bay.