Kclone, your comments about the Tidals are right on target for my experience. I had changed too many things at the same time and decided to get to the bottom of the major improvement I was hearing. My Contriva Discera SEs were placed in my room the same day I got a new version of my H-Cat preamp and a day after I got Synergistic Research Galileo Universal interconnect Cells. I showed some patience but within several days all of the new stuff was in the system and being played with the Tidals. I went through two weeks of daily improvement. Once I had some leveling off of the improvement, I decided to see what was contributing by ultimately removing everything other than the speakers and also using the old version of the preamp. Ultimately I had everything back in but on this older preamp. It sounded very good, until I put the new version in. Once it settled in, I just sat there and listened to disc after disc. There was realism that I thought was unobtainable in home audio reproduction.
Like you, I am very happy, but additional dollars into my system. Thus far, only non-audiophile friends have heard this system, but the look on their face says it all, they are dumbfounded and typically sit down to listen or ask for some specific album. On hearing it they comment that they had never really heard it before.
I have owned 27 prior speakers in a long career in audio, and I have listened to many others including the Magicos and the Marten Coltrane. I have never heard the "magic" that I am getting now. Wow!
Like you, I am very happy, but additional dollars into my system. Thus far, only non-audiophile friends have heard this system, but the look on their face says it all, they are dumbfounded and typically sit down to listen or ask for some specific album. On hearing it they comment that they had never really heard it before.
I have owned 27 prior speakers in a long career in audio, and I have listened to many others including the Magicos and the Marten Coltrane. I have never heard the "magic" that I am getting now. Wow!