Help with speaker cable recommendations please

Hello and thanks for reading!

I have a Krell Vanguard integrated rated at 200W @ 8 ohms and 400 @ 4 ohms. My speakers are Sonus Faber Electa's rated at 8 ohms with a suggested amp rating between 80W and 200W. The speaker cables I am currently using are Audioquest Type 4, a 15 foot pair and I believe they are approximately 15 gauge. I purchased the cables terminated from a dealer for just $170. These cables were meant to be a stepping stone until finances permit me to upgrade, the thing is, these cables sound great to me! What might I be missing out on with these cables vs something that would be a better fit for my system? I purchased these "stater cables" based on recommendations and reviews I have read. What cables would be the next logical upgrade in your opinion that are friendly on the wallet and make a significant improvement in SQ?

Thanks for your help!

Hello to all,

Thanks for the help and suggestions. I think my best bet is to shop around for used cables. I like the AQ sound, but the type 4 in my system sounds a little bright as well as a little bass shy, what bass this wire does have is tight and well defined but does not go deep.

Thank you!

@grm I understand that you have some improvements in sound you'd like for your system. How have you concluded that the speaker cable alone is responsible for the shortcomings and a different set is the solution? The purpose of a cable ideally wouldn't be tone control or equalizer, any flaws in the system are most likely due to components, transducers and room acoustics, not caused by the cable per se. Just wanted to caution going down an expensive and time consuming path with limited rewards.
2 suggestions ,
if you can shorten the cable run your choice of used cables go up ,
and the cost go down .
If you like the sound of the AudioQuest cables then stick with them and move up their hierarchy , larger gauge and shorter runs will increase your bass response .

I personally use Cardas cables , have gone from Quad Link up to 
Neutral Reference , I am looking to move up to Golden Reference .
what you just described of the Type 4 is a common theme. What you are looking for is exactly where Audio Art Cable excels and in my system the soundstage really opened up as well.  At least read some of the testimonials on his site and see that it sure seems to run in the same vane as what you're looking to accomplish.
I'd move up in AQ to their best copper and gauge that I could afford. You'll definitely find it used. Castle rock is a good example and is a strong move up with no risk of screwing up what you already like. Good luck..